
Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 1976


  • A Senator reports: Animal Welfare Act amended (Senator Lowell Weicker, Conn.)
  • Cruel experiments found at science fair
  • HSUS coordinates animal rescue
  • LaVern Haney: humanitarian & helicopter pilot
  • Animal abuse spoils Bicentennial
  • HSUS's Phyllis Wright explains the right way
  • Dr. Michael Fox joins HSUS: nationally known animal behavioral psychologist to direct new institute
  • Profile: John C. Lily - a man learning from dolphins
  • HSUS publishes Spanish leaflet
  • President Hoyt honors humanitarian
  • The Humane Movement: past and present
  • 1976 Annual Conference...A capital idea!
  • Save dolphins...don't buy tuna
  • Financial Report: 1975
  • Personalized TV spots popular
  • "How can anyone do something like that?" (Roger Caras)
  • Travel with your pet
  • President's Perspective: Beginning a new era for animals (John A. Hoyt)
