
W. R. Stricklin

Document Type

Response or Comment

Publication Date



A letter questionnaire was used to survey animal behavior-related research and teaching efforts in U.S.A. and Canadian university animal sciences departments (agriculture) and veterinary medical colleges. The objectives of the eleven questions of the survey were to identify behavior workers and to determine the current and planned levels of emphasis on research and teaching activities in domestic animal behavior. During 1981, questionnaires were mailed to 162 deans and chairmen, and 102 were answered and returned. Twenty-three persons were identified as having appointments specifically or primarily in animal behavior, and 99 persons were identified as having appointments that had some responsibilities in animal behavior. Twenty-two respondents reported that they offer an undergraduate course in animal behavior, ten of which were colleges of veterinary medicine. The behavior course was required for graduation by six of the veterinary medical colleges, but only two animal sciences departments taught a required course in animal behavior. Seventeen graduate programs in behavior were identified. Plans to increase the amount of effort in areas related to animal behavior were reported on 32 of the returned questionnaires.


Scientific Article No. 3385, Contribution No. 6457, of the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station. Dr. Stricklin is with the Department of Animal Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742 (U.S A).
